Ayurveda Treatments at Ananda Cherai, Kochi, Kerala


    Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of central nervous system that often impairs the motorskills, speech and other functions of person.

    Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders. Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders.


    • Tremor
    • Muscle rigidity
    • Slowing of movements and loss of physical movements
    • Impaired posture and balance
    • Speech changes

      Treatment Principle

    • The treatments which pacifies both vata and kapha
    • Avaranachikitsa( the treatment given to an aggravated dosha which masks over the other dosha)

    According to ayurveda, Parkinson’s disease is similar to a disease namedkampavata. Kampavata is a nanatmajavyadhi( one of the disease caused by aggravated vata).


    • Udhwarthanam (powder massage)
    • Thalam (application of medicine over vertex of head)
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Patrapottaliswedam (bolus treatment with leaves)
    • Pizhichil (pouring oil over the body)
    • Vasthi (enema treatment)
    • Virechanam (purgation)
    • Nasyam (errhine therapy)

    Stroke happens when the blood flow to the brain stops within minutes brain cells begin to die. There are two kinds of stroke

    1. Ischemic stroke – caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain.

    2. Hemorrhagic stroke – is caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds into the brain.


    • Numbness
    • Double vision
    • Head aches
    • Difficulty in speaking or swallowing
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Facial paralysis
    • Loss of consciousness

      Treatment Principle

    • The atherosclerotic changes in blood are caused by aggravated vata and kapha,obstructing the flow of blood vessel in blood leading to infarction so the treatment pacifies both vataand kapha is to be done
    • In hemorrhagic type vata pitta is involved so the treatment these doshas should be done.

    According to ayurveda, stroke can correlated with pakshaghatha which is caused due to impaired vata.


    • Udhwarthanam (powder massage)
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Virechanam (purgation)
    • Pizhichil
    • Shirodhara (continous stream of oil over head)
    • Nasyam (errhine)
    • Vasthi

    Sciatica is caused by injury to or compression of sciatic nerves . it is a low back pain combined with a pain through the buttock and down one leg.


    • Mild tinkling, dull ache or burning sensation
    • Pain often starts slowly
    • Sciatica pain get worsen after standing or sitting at night ,during sneezing, coughing ,bending backwards

      Treatment Principle

    • Kaphavruthavathachikitsa (the treatments which pacifies the vitiated vata which masks the vitiated kapha)
    • Vataanulomanachikitsa (facilitates evacuation of vitiated vata)

    In ayurveda, it is similar to gridhrasi. Vata is the main dosha involved.


    • Lepam (application of paste)
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Jambeerapindaswedham (pottali treatment made of lemon)
    • Nadiswedam (tubular steam sweating therapy)
    • Virechanam (purgation)
    • Pizhichil (continuous stream of oil pouring over body)
    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Kativasthi (retain warm oil at low back)
    • Avagaham (sitz bath)

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a clinical syndromecharacterized by mild obesity, irregular menses or amenorrhoea and signs of androgen excess (eg; hirsutism,acne)
    In most patients the ovaries contain multiple cysts.

      Signs and symptoms

      Symptoms typically starts with puberty and worsen with time.The typical symptoms are

    • Mild obesity
    • Hirsutism
    • Irregular menses or amenorrhea
    • Acne
    • Temporal balding
    • Areas of thickens black skin in axillae ,nape of neck and skinfolds In ayurveda it may be correlated to anarthava (obstructive flow), alparthava (excessive flow) and vishamarthava (irregular flow)

      Treatment Principle

    • Athipravarthi (excessive flow) Treatments to alleviate Vata and Pita combined.
    • Apravarthi (obstructed flow) - avaranaharachikitsa (the treatments which pacifies the vitiated dosha which masks the other dosha)
    • External Treatments

    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Udhwarthanametc. (powder massage)


    Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual period of women of a reproductive age.


    • I. Primary amenorrhea - (failure to reach menarche)
    • II. Secondary amenorrhea - (caused by hormonal disturbances)


    • Hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunctions
    • Pregnancy
    • PCOS
    • Breastfeeding

    According to ayurveda, it is similar toanarthava

      Treatment Principle

    • Gulmachikitsa( treatment given for a disease calledgulma)
    • Udhavarthachikitsa (treatment given for a disease called udhavartha)


    • Snehapanam (intake of medicated oil)
    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Virechanam (purgation)

    Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals. A blood loss of greater than 80 ml or lasting longer than 7 days is considered menorrhagia.


    • Flow associated with passageof significant clots.
    • Anemia
    • Treatment principle

    • Pradharachikitsa (treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding)
    • Rakta- pittaharachikitsa (treatment of bleeding disorder)
    • Panduchikitsa (anemia treatment)


    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Yonipichu (application of medicine inside vagina)

    According to ayurveda, it can be correlated to Asrugdhara


    Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for menstrual cramps associated with lower abdominal pain - sharp or aching in nature or back pain.


    • Aching pain in abdomen
    • Feeling of pressure in abdomen
    • Pain in hips, lower back and inner thighs
    • Treatment principle

    • Udavarthachikitsa (treatment given for a disease called udavartha)
    • Gulmachikitsa (treatment given for a disease calledgulma)
    • Vatakaphaharachikitsa (treatment which pacifies both vata and kapha)


    • Swedanam - avagaham (sitz bath)
    • Virechanam (purgation)
    • Vasthi (enema)

    According to ayurveda, it is similar to udavartha which is caused due to impaired vata and kapha.


    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is an abnormal bleeding from the vagina that occurs due to changes in the hormonal levels.


    • Bleeding or spotting from vagina between periods.
    • Periods that occur less than 28 days apart or more than 35 days apart
    • Time between periods changes each month.
    • Heavier bleeding (such as passing large clots, more amount of blood greater than 75 ml)
    • Bleeding lasts for more days than normal or for more than 7 days

      Treatment principle

    • Treatment that pacifies Pitta
    • Treatments

    • Yonipichu (application of medicine inside the vagina)

    According to ayurveda, it can be correlated with asrigdhara


    Menopause is the absence of menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive monthsaverage age of menopause is 50 to 55 yrs.
    Changes in the hormonal levels causes post-menopausal symptoms for about 5 to 10 years.


    • Hot flashes
    • Night sweats
    • Vaginal dryness
    • Insomnia
    • Emotional changes
    • Breast tenderness
    • Dry skin

      Treatment Principle

    • Doshaharachikitsa particularly vata. (treatmentwhich pacifies dosha)
    • Treatments

    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Mrdhuswedhanam (mild fomentation)
    • Shirodhara (pouring of medicated oil into the head on a continuous stream)
    • Mrdhuvirechanam
    • Vasthi
    • Rasayana

    In ayurvedamenopause is rajonivrithi and post-menopausalsyndrome can be correlated to problems associated with that.It can be due to imbalance of all doshas which occur as a natural and gradual consequence of ageing.


    Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis in which all the major and minor joints are involved associated with pain and stiffness.it is an autoimmune disorder.


    • Inflammation of small joints of fingers, toes ,hands and breast.
    • Morning stiffness more than 30 minutes
    • Rheumatoid nodules in the posterior aspect of elbow.
    • Stiffness or restricted range of movements and painfull joints
    • Swelling is present


    • Virechanam (purgation)
    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Rasayana treatment

    In ayurveda, it may be correlated with vatarakta .


    It is the degenerative arthritis occurring in bone .Usually it is a slow progressive disease.


    • Stiffness of joints usually relieved after movements.
    • Affects bigger joints in the beginning.
    • Pain increases on walking.
    • Knee joint OA is very common.
    • Treatment Principle

    • General vata treatment & Gatavata (when vitiated vatalocalizes at bone) treatment can be performed (depending on the condition).


    • Snehapana (small dose of medicated ghee intake).
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Swedanam (fomentation)
    • Vasti (enema therapy)
    • Rasayana (rejuvenation therapy)

    According to ayurveda OA can be correlated with sandhigathavata. Ayurvedically all sandhis or joints are seat of shleshakakapha (one among the type of 5 kaphas).

  • GOUT

    Gout is a type of arthritis when uric acid increases in blood and there is sudden pain and inflammation in one joint.It is common in men than women.
    There are certain foods like nuts,proteins,alcohol which increases uric acid level.


    • Sudden onset of symptoms
    • Severe pain often at night is seen
    • Joints get inflamed and becomes warm ,appears red, purple colored and shiny
    • Sometimes lumps of uric acid crystals are deposited in joints forming tophi.
    • Treatment Principle

    • Focus should be on vitiated Pitta
    • Rakthaprasadanaoushada. (treatment given for purification of blood)
    • Mutralasophaharaoushada( diuretics).


    • Lepa (application of medicinal paste)
    • Dhara (pouring of medicine)
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Virechana (purgation)
    • Vasthi (enema)

    According to ayurveda, gout can be considered as pitta type of vatarakta.


    Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is when the shoulder is painful and cannot move normally because of inflammation.

      Causes and risk factors

    • Cervical disc disease of neck
    • Diabetes
    • Shoulder trauma
    • Shoulder surgery
    • Symptoms

    • Decreased motion of shoulder
    • Pain
    • Stiffness

      Treatment principle

    • Treatment for Vitiated Vata and Kapha
    • Treatments

    • Nasyam (errhines)
    • Kizhi (pottali treatments)
    • Pizhichil (pouring of medicated oil over body)
    • Rasayanam (rejuvenation therapy)

    According to ayurveda frozen shoulder can be correlated to avabahuka.


    Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis)is a degenerative disorder. It is the general wear and tear that occurs in the joints and bones of the spine as people gets older. Spondylosis may affect cervical (neck), thoracic (midback) or lumbar (low back) regions of spine.


    • Joint pain
    • Tenderness
    • Swelling
    • Muscle spasm
    • Limited range of movements

      Treatment principle

    • Vatakaphaharachikitsa. (the treatment which pacifies vatha and kapha)
    • Treatments

    • Abhyangam (oil massage )
    • Sashtikashalipindasweda (bolus treatment prepared with shastika rice)
    • Vasthi. (enema)

    Ayurvedically it can be correlated with sandhigatavata affecting spine.


    Stress is a state of strain, whether it is physical or psychological. Stress can be acute,Episodic acute & chronic. Positive stress creates motivation and energy and increases performance. Negative stress create anxiety and decreases performance.


    • Frequent headache
    • Body aches
    • Chest pain
    • Difficulty in breathing
    • Frequent urination
    • Constipation,diarrhea,nausea or vomiting.
    • Cold sweaty hands and feet


    • Dinacharya which involves regular wake up and sleep time, gentle exercises such as yoga,walking etc.
    • Diet and nutrition.
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Nasyam (errhines)
    • Kizhi (pottali treatments)
    • Dhara (pouring of medicine)

    Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety by addressing imbalances in mind body and spirit.


    Low back ache is defined as pain and discomfort localized below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds with or without leg pain.


    • Relate to spine - Infection, tumors, IVDP,lumbar spondylosis
    • Poor posture habits, heavy physical work, osteoporosis, obesity etc.


      Treatment modalities which are mentioned for pacifying vata can also be adopted in LBA.

    • Snehana & swedana (oiling & fomentation)
    • Mridusamshodana /anulomana (facilitates downward movement of vata)
    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Samanaoushadhas (palliative medicines)

    In ayurveda LBA can be correlated to the following conditions such as Katigraha.


    Infertility is the failure to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse.

    • Primary infertility refer to couples who have not become pregnant after at least 1 year of unprotected sex.
    • Secondary infertility refers to couples who have been pregnant at least once but never again.


    • Cervical stenosis.
    • Uterine factors
    • Ovarian factors
    • Ovulatory dysfunction.


      Treatment involves :

    • Snehana (oil massage)
    • Swedana (fomentation)
    • Vamana (emesis)
    • Virechana (purgation)
    • Vasthi (enema)
    • Uttaravasthi (vasthi which is given through urinary or vaginal than usual passage).

    According to ayurveda fertility can be correlated with vandhya,apraja etc. Vandhyatwa is caused due to impaired tridosha with predominant vata.


    Obesity is a state of excess adipose tissue mass. Ayurvedically obesity is sthoulya. Avyayama (lack of exercise) and divaswapnam (daysleep) causes. khavaighunya (blockage of channels) and this ultimately leads to sthoulya.

      Treatmet Principle

    • Sthoulyachikitsa (treatment given for obesity in ayurveda)
    • Guru apatharpana (reduction / attenuation therapy)


    • Udhwarthanam (powder massage)
    • Mrdhuvirechanam (mild purgation)
    • Vasthi (enema)

    Anxiety is body’s natural response to stress that causes increased alertness, fear and physical science. It includes disorders that share features of excessive fear, and anxiety and related behavioral disturbances. Some of the anxiety disorders are agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobias, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.


    • Physical symptoms - dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, palpitations, restlessness, tremor, gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches
    • Psychological
      1. Withdrawal
      2. Irritability
      3. Insomnia
      4. Lack of interest
      5. Inability to concentrate


    • Dinacharya which involves regular wake up and sleep time, gentle exercises such as yoga, walking etc.
    • Diet and nutrition (Consumewholesome food)
    • Abhyangam (oil massage)
    • Nasyam (errhines)
    • Kizhi (pottali treatments)
    • Dhara (pouring of medicine)

    Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety by addressing imbalances in mind body and spirit.


    Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest, or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration.


    • Depressed mood
    • Reduced energy, interest, reduced concentration and attention, disturbed sleep and appetite.
    • Ideas or act of self-harm or suicide
    • Ideas of guilt and unworthiness


    • Dinacharya which involves regular wake up and sleep time, gentle exercises such as yoga,walking etc.
    • Diet and nutrition. (Consume pathyaahara - wholesome diets)
    • Abhyanga (oil massage)
    • Shirodhara (pouring of oil)
    • Swedana (fomentation)
    • Nasya (errhines)
    • Vasthi (enema)

    Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing depression by addressing imbalances in mind body and spirit.